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Friday, August 22, 2014

How To Metal Detect Tip #3

Hello there faithful Bounty Hunter posse! Here's a metal detecting tip that is sure to fill your finds bag with all kinds of goodies left behind by other metal detectorist!

How To Metal Detect Tip#3

The areas surrounding a metal support pole playgrounds otherwise known as a Tot-Lot in the metal detecting community are usually left un-searched  as the netal pole causes the metal detectors to "overload" effectively masking out any goodies that are near the pole.

Take a few seconds to scoop around these poles with your hands or digging tool for missed coins and jewelry.

Think about it...many times people leave their belongings next to poles and such as markers and sometimes those belongings are forgotten until you and your Bounty Hunter metal detector come swinging along that is!

Now, hit the trails with your Bounty Hunter metal detector and go collect your bounty!

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